Saturday, February 6, 2010

Google + Facebook = ??????

Welcome back....!!!!>>>>
I heard about the latest Nokia phone that came out from a friend while chatting on Facebook, and the next thing i did was to go to Google to search for the Nokia N900 smartphone.

I think you would practically do the same if it were you. The Google search engine help potential buyers by providing them necessary information about a product.

The market the say is an interaction between people.

This is what Facebook capitalized on by coming up with the concept of people connecting with people.It provided the marketers spaces on their site to create pages and put ads which would attract the central connectors who if are impressed by the product viewed or used, spread the efficacy of the product to other friends of theirs who in turn tend to purchase the product.

Thumbs up Mark!!!!....Smart Kid

The duo of Facebook and Google should be applauded for this transformational step in advertising from the era of running up and down or moving from block to block trying to sell a product to the era of sitting on a comfortable chair and desk and posting ads about your product and making reasonable sales.

So what would you do as a marketer to promote your product?


  1. Blogging is an extremely important new tool to get product awareness in the market. Combined with other ads on Facebook and Google, a company can effectively build a brand.

  2. I believe that communication between the business and the consumer is very important, because it establishes trust within that business. Utilizing social media and live chats is essential if you want to keep customers around.
