Saturday, April 17, 2010

ROI on Social Media .....Conflicting Interests and Mindsets!!!!!

I read this article what is the ROI for social media which had a very educative video on social media for this week discussions.

In the business world, the CEO's or Senior Marketing Officers are primarily concerned on generating income and boosting sales, they pump money and make huge investments in social media and are highly expectant of returns but according to Jason falls of the social media explorer the problem with trying to determine ROI is trying to put numeric quantities around human interactions and conversations which are not quantifiable.

The idea of social media out there is communication. In communicating, we build relationships with customers and different people. The CEO'S are simply interested in getting money but is it just about the money?the return on investment truly is the healthy conversations and content out there. You building a relationship out of trust and getting meaningful content from conversations should be regarded as ROI not the customers hard earned money.

People are not going to be happy if they realize that the goal of the social media expert or personnel during discussions or interactions is to extract their money and empty their pockets.

Customers need satisfaction and trust!!!!!

Humans are good marketing agents and thus building trust in a customer of your product can boost sales of the product, by one person telling a group of friends or colleagues, family members, etc but it all depends on the conversations.

So as a CEO,which is more important to you, a potential customer's money or trust?

Saturday, April 10, 2010

I know the FUTURE>!>!>!>!>!.........

Welcome Back to my Blog!!!!>>>>>

One is amazed at the beauty and importance of these Social media and networks. The numbers are increasing fairly on a daily basis but they enhance communication, cooperation, build relationships between strangers and a whole lot of other stuff!!!..

If this is the Present,what can we think or say how the future would be?Technology moves at a rapid pace and i am optimistic things will be better.

I read this article "Social Media 2012: 11 Trends You Should Watch" and i found out that these social networks in the future will have predicted trends such as less privacy settings, more social content online such as blogs, photos, videos etc, information about friends or people will be easily accessible and obtained because the use of Augmented reality would be implemented, dramatic increase in the marketing of this social media and networks , creation of new tools and devices to enhance social interactions, more collaboration and engagement and more prominent real-time information from search engines.

I can not wait to know how Facebook will be like in 10 years from now..........

The one thing we should not forget about the future trends of social media is the brain and the human mind behind it. The social media is not going to get enhanced on its own manually, there is the one important factor out there called "HUMANS" who will think, plan, and implement the different changes and predictions about the future of these social media and networks

Everyone has a part to play in the FUTURE of the social media, what is yours?

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Social Gaming : Let's PLAY!!!!

I am so glad to talk about Social gaming....I love games a lot!!!!I hope you do?

The idea behind social gaming is playing games as well as interacting with other people while playing Social gaming has been a great tool used by most social networking sites but the most popular one of them is Facebook.

I was in my room the other day and my korean and Serbian roommates were playing the Mafiawars for over 30minutes and I was amazed. The web based games are easier to create and hence are quite a lot in number. There are quite a few popular ones such as Mafiawars, Mobsters, Monsterwars and more can be found here.

Suprisingly, the females beat the males in this aspect as they are major players in this field. According to a survey done by an Information services group, 55% of social gamers are females while 45% are males. The females tend to be more into these social games as im a true living witness. My high school friend who came visiting me spent over an hour on a social game which had to do with buying sexy men from a collection. Awesome!!!!!

These games are so popular and therefore it means the more people playing these games the more revenue for the developers and the social network CEO's.

Social gaming i believe is more fun than single player games because you get to colloborate and do things fun such as partying, dancing, buying sexy men and women rather than killing demons or fighting endless wars with beasts and dare-devil creatures.....scary!!!!...

Would you look at social gaming and compare it to Second life?

Read comments on these nice gaming blog posts I posted. click 1 and 2 to view.

How fast and far can your words travel?

OK Folks welcome back to my Blog !!Hope you are not scared why I had to blog so early, it is because this week is tagged "death week",I got 5 projects due in a week plus a midterm and our itec assignments!!!>>>Had to finish up before weekend!!..

I read the article on the "Anatomy of a Blog Post well received" and I found it amazing....The figures I read from the article were incredible, but the two things I noticed where the use of social networks and the transmission speed of the post.

Our words and ideas are powerful and they go a long way.We might never know how powerful our words are if we dont put them down by writing. The speed on which words spread is incredible; imagine your blog post having 12,000 views within 24hrs. I am quite sure you would think its your lucky day and then probably have a drink or two with friends. That is if your not too excited tho!!!!!

These social tools we talk about are made for us to use them to their full potential. The use of facebook,twitter, linkedIn, delicious, PopUrls, the list never ends enables us to spread information to others in matter of seconds by just pushing the "ENTER" key on your PC.

We should not be scared of putting information out there but be cautious on the content and the ideas we have as our words really travel fast in matter of seconds.

I use only Facebook to send out messages, thoughts and ideas I have but I might have to reconsider adding some extra tools as backup such as twitter to get the messages across to a larger populace....What will you do?